My editorial work focuses on appreciating and editing for the rhythm of the language. Editing involves accuracy, sure, but it also demands connection, flow, and music. Each sentence should travel easily to the next. And, yeah, the commas should be in the right places.
I’ve edited essay collections, think-tank reports, alumni magazines, master’s theses, conference presentations, accreditation self-studies, a book on the history of graphic design in Japan, poetry, and a play. I’ve worked on Word docs, Google docs, and PDFs (and even on paper, in my early days). My preferred guide is the Chicago Manual of Style, but I also have experience with the AP Stylebook, APA, and MLA. During the day, I’m a full-time editor for the National Council for Mental Wellbeing.
I have special familiarity with certain fields — like graphic design, mental health, travel, and fiber art — but I engage deeply with each new project, researching the material and learning the language. Nothing is off limits. If I don’t know it yet, I’ll learn it.
Selected projects I’ve edited:
The Failed Painter — essay collection by Ian Lynam (2023)
Table Talk — MFA thesis by Kyla Paolucci (2023)
You Are Where You Live: Identity and the City’s Vernacular — MFA thesis by Dina Lutfi (2022)
Fracture: Japanese Graphic Design 1875–1975 — book by Ian Lynam (2024)
[Dis]Embodied Senses — MFA thesis by Tristen Click (2019)
Misunderstanding the American Dream — report by Populace (2023)
Private Opinion in America — report by Populace (2022)